Category Archives: News

President Nick Smith to be Interviewed on KPFK Roots Music Show Dec 30th

The KPFK radio show Roots Music and Beyond will air a segment on Saturday morning, Dec. 30, about our concerts scheduled in January, March and April. Tune in to hear samples from the performers Jim and Susie Malcolm, Low Lily, and the Scottish Fiddlers of Los Angles with Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas.  You’ll also learn more about what the Pasadena Folk Music Society is planning in 2024.

Roots Music and Beyond airs from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. every Saturday.  Mary Katherine Aldin, of the Folk DJ Hall of Fame, will host the Dec. 30 show.  She plans to include a segment from 7:40 a.m. to 8 a.m. about our three scheduled concerts.  You can hear the show live at 90.7 FM or online.  It will also be available for two weeks afterward on KPFK Audio Archives.

For this segment, Aldin will interview Nick Smith, president of the all-volunteer board of directors of our Pasadena Folk Music Society.  If you’ve been to our concerts, he’s probably familiar to you as the cheery fellow introducing the performers. Aldin and Smith will present information about three upcoming concerts and play examples of music from the scheduled musicians.  The interview may also go broader into the society’s return to more frequent in-person concerts after the pandemic and other hurdles.