Category Archives: News

New Concert to be Announced Soon!

Keep your eyes on this space!

Our next concert will be announced soon. The details are being finalized as this is posted.

While you wait, please join us at the Topanga Banjo Fiddle Contest & Folk Festival on Sunday, May 19. We will be sharing a table with FolkWorks. Stop by and say hello, join our email list, and speak with us about the bands or music you’d like to see in the future. The festival will be in it’s new home at King Gillette Ranch, 26800 Mulholland Highway, Calabasas.  Tickets are on sale here.

Looking for a concert or lecture in Pasadena for May? Check out the Caltech events page. The Caltech Orchestra, Glee Club, and Chamber Singers all perform on various nights.  A Watson Lecture “Historic Innovations by Caltech People That Transformed Our Everyday Lives” and an Astronomy on Tap lecture “Supermassive Black Holes” and “Ocean Worlds” round out the month.

On your multiple repeat of your favorite Jane Austen movie? Love Bridgerton or The Gilded Age? Want to get up off that chair and try something new? Join The Historical Tea & Dance Society for their ongoing “Tuesday Dancing in Pasadena”,  where you’ll be taught dances from history into modern times. Beginners are welcomed to experience what this world is about and how much fun it is. No costume, or partner, is needed for casual Tuesday nights. Usually held the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays of the month, the group meets at Skandia Hall, 2031 E. Villa St. in Pasadena. The next dance date is May 14th; doors open at 7 pm. Calendar of upcoming events can be found here.