Learn Here!

There are many learning services (free and low fee) available to support your love of worldwide Folk Music. Subjects can include Music, Languages, Culture  and other. This page highlights four such services and will be routinely updated:

  • FutureLearn
  • EdX
  • Coursera
  • Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)


FutureLearn is an online learning platform that offers courses from universities and cultural institutions around the world. It offers a variety of courses including music, culture, business, healthcare, teaching, tech, psychology, science, engineering, and math. Some current classes include:

  • Music and Intelligence: Can Music Make You Smarter? 
  • Music Moves: Why Does Music Make You Move?
  • From Notation to Performance: Understanding Musical Scores
  • String Music Appreciation
  • Irish Language and Culture for Adults
  • Discovering Korean Music: The Spectrum of Sound
  • Exploring Japanese Avant-garde Art Through Butoh Dance


EdX is an online learning platform offering a variety of courses and programs from Universities and organizations around the world. Some current classes include:

  • Introduction to Music Theory
  • Music as the Mirror of Western Culture
  • First Nights – Handel’s Messiah and Baroque Oratorio
  • Inspiring and Motivating Arts and Culture Teams


Coursera is an online learning platform offering a courses, degrees, and certifications from universities and companies.  California residents can may be able to access Coursera though their local public library. Some relevant courses include:

  • Music and Social Action
  • The American South: Its Stories, Music, and Art
  • Building Your Audience for Music Professionals
  • Fundamentals of Music Theory
  • The Importance and Power of Music in our Society
  • Musicianship: Tensions, Harmonic Function, and Modal Interchange
  • Fandom, Community and Identity in Popular Music


OLLI  is a community of passionate lifelong learners, engaging minds and enriching lives through education:

  • A diverse repertoire of intellectually stimulating, non-credit courses and educational activities, specifically designed for people who are 50 years of age or older
  • Participants are offered membership and significant opportunities for volunteer engagement and leadership
  • Strong support from the host institution (including a commitment to provide space or cause space to be provided for program operations)

OLLI institutes in Southern California include: