Tag Archives: Claremont Folk Festival

Bryan Bowers in 2 Days, on Saturday, May 30

Here is a quick last reminder that Bryan Bowers, masterful singer, autoharp player, and storyteller, will perform this Saturday, May 30 at Caltech’s Beckman Institute Auditorium (Little Beckman) at 8:00 p.m. Bryan heads back toward home in Washington state after this show, readying for a tour through Arkansas and Montana, then on to the east coast after that. He is ever the touring musician, and we were lucky to get on his schedule over a year ago.

Bryan often uses the Battle Hymn of the Republic to illustrate how he gets all five fingers into the act to achieve the wonderful music and intricate layers of sound out of the autoharp. You can see and hear this demonstration on YouTube. Bryan makes Laszio Slomovitz’s song, Old Lovers his own and he does a great job on the simple but true Satisfied Mind, made popular by Porter Wagoner:

Finally, hear his feisty side on the old classic, Lil Liza Jane. We understand that he’s planning to sing Herb Pedersen’s Hey Boys, so there’s always a few new songs, too. Bryan’s web site is http://www.bryanbowers.com. Don’t miss this show!

Tickets for the show are $15 for adults and $5 for Caltech students and children. Order them at the Caltech Ticket Office from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (626) 395-4652 or in person (no service charge) at Winnett Student Center on campus. You can buy tickets online for this show until 4:00 p.m. today (Thursday), as well as the upcoming bluegrass and mountain folk music of Susie Glaze & The Hilonesome Band on Saturday, June 13.

Claremont_Folk_Festival_2015The Claremont Folk Festival (David Grisman Bluegrass Experience, Blind Boy Paxton, Perla Batalla, Ross Altman, and many more) is also on Saturday.See their website at

See their website at http://folkmusiccenter.com/folk-festival.


logo-huck_finn_jubileeAnd the Huck Finn Jubilee and Bluegrass Festival in Ontario (Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain Boys, Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder, Hot Rize, Béla Fleck and Abigail Washburn, Steve Martin and Steep Canyon Rangers, and many others) will be June 12-14.

See http://huckfinn.com for details.


KPFK-Pacifica-Logo1959bWe’re hoping that KPFK’s fund drive does not pre-empt Heartfelt Music with John and Deanne Davis on Saturday (90.7 FM 6:00-8:00 a.m. this Saturday), but if it does, maybe you’d still be able to support folk music on Sunday night from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. with Folk Scene. To hear why this show is worth supporting, listen to last week’s show (May 24, 6:00-8:00 p.m.) on the KPFK Audio Archives at http://archive.kpfk.org and hear Roz Larman’s interview and songs with Jimmy Lafave in the first hour, then Tish Hinojosa in the second hour! You can also hear Mary Katherine Aldin’s Alive and Picking show from last Saturday (May 23, 6:00-8:00 a.m.) on the archives.